Friday, September 11, 2009

Conference Call Thursday, September 10, 2009

8:30a.m. - 9:30 a.m.

Kevin, Cameron, Brent, Jeff, Hans, John, Michael, Emmanuelle,

Jeff will issue the designs for bidding on September 11, 2009, and will allow 2 weeks for pricing. Once all bids are received, coordination between systems will take place.

Water Catchment:

Cameron identified the pump and tank location, but needs to provide schematic drawings in order to have an accurate cost estimate.

On Site Waste Water System:

The current septic was designed for peak flow with infiltrators adequate for a 6-bedroom house (2 people per bedroom). The permit was issued for a 2-chamber 1,250 gallon tank. A 1,500 gallon tank would have been preferable, but since the permit has already been issued, an additional tank upstream should not be needed. Once the leach field is repaired and topsoil added it should be largely sufficient. John will apply for a repair permit with an experimental component for the wetlands.

The wetland will be about 480 to 520 square feet. A standard pump, using less than one hp will be placed after the wetland to pump water for irrigation

Action Items:

1. All drawings should be sent to Jeff labeled as Design for Bid, dated September 11, 2009, and paged appropriately, in addition to company logos.

2. Cameron will provide the pump electrical specs to Brent. Cameron and Lisa will provide water catchment schematic drawings asap.

3. John will provide the electrical specs of the pump he is intending to use to Brent.

4. Michael, Lisa and Emmanuelle will review the current aquaculture tank design and provide a cost estimate within the next two weeks.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Minutes – Conference Call Sept. 3rd, 2009

Conference call Thursday, September 3, 2009, 8:30- 9:15 a.m.

Michael, Jeff, Lisa, Emmanuelle

Lisa discussed the progress of the water catchment system, and the need for heat under the front of the green house to melt and collect snow during the winter. Brent suggested running a solar thermal loop to dump excess heat from solar panels.

Cameron and Lisa need another week to finalize drawings. The landscape design around the greenhouse, and monitoring of Elkstone Greenhouse throughout the winter will help fine tune the water catchment design.

Brent is done with his drawings, and Jeff is about done with the engineering.

Samples of different possibilities of planting bed walls are posted. Jeff suggested a structural cap wide enough to sit. Amy, Lisa, and Emmanuelle will review various possibilities.

Question for Brent: Would it be acceptable to run the geothermal pipes through the garage, which would be more direct? On the current drawings, they are shown outside?

Next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 11, 8:30 a.m. All the drawings should be submitted to Brent. The entire team is invited to join the meeting and give a brief explanation of respective designs.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

wall options:

Wall options:
There are many wall options out there, here are just a few examples. There are a few things to consider as we have curvy walls and so only a certain amount of materials will take this form easily. We also have the concern of bed space and need walls which are thin 4-6 inches at the most. The walls are also in a wet moist environment, and will need to be of a good material.
A few more ideas that are not represented above would be a flat metal wall with shapes of colored sheet metal added as a collage on top, mimicking tile and adding color. a concrete stem wall with a covering of your choice, american clay plaster for example, an earth wall, etc... I am still collecting images as I don't feel we have found the perfect solution yet. I keep scouring the hills of san francisco to find options too( as there is alot of retaining and space maximizing).