Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Daly Project Team,

Please view the Daly drawing web site for new postings.  The new plans and perspectives are called Scheme "F".  The focus of scheme "F" is the greenhouse and maximizing the amount of sloped glazing available to it.  The upper level space is pushed as far East as possible and minimized.  On the roof of the master bedroom, I have placed 27 PV SunPower panels each with 230 watts.  This equates to around 6.2 kW!

Talk to you tomorrow!



  1. Scheme F looks great, like a real greenhouse. Is there a conference call on Wednesday, as your post message suggests, or is it on Thursday, same time and (virtual) place?

  2. MT,

    Sorry, the conf. call is at our usual Thursday time....I was a day behind.

